There are many different kinds of Astrology and everyone has their favorite- whether it be Vedic, Mundane or Eastern and they all have theirmerits. Studying different kinds of Astrology can be beneficial because you see different view points and different theories that canlead you to the same end result. My personal weapon of choiceif you will is Evolutionary Astrology, which I will heretofore referto as EA in a nonsensical and completely random order.
The theory is this....the Sun and Moon are obviously very important as they relate to the core personality and the ego and emotions. Thatbeing said, while the inner luminaries play a big part of ourpersonal lives their transits can be so fleeting at times, they canbe here and gone before we realize it. We are also members ofsocieties, cultures, Activist groups and part of something bigger than ourselves. Pluto correlates to the soul in EA and it alsorepresents generations [albeit there is much argument as to wherethey start and end]. The transit of Pluto through a sign can take 15years or longer compared to 30 days for the Sun and sixty hours forthe Moon. The sheer longevity and complete transformation of a Pluto transit will last through many trips of the Sun through your chartand dozens of ventures by the Moon through the same.
Whenputting together a puzzle one starts to build it by putting the outerpieces of the puzzle together so that you then have a frameworkthrough which the smaller pieces can then fit in a logical manor. I have found it easier that way with Astrology as well. When you putPluto [the soul] in a persons chart and can measure it's growth and journey through various incarnations - the inner pieces of the puzzle[inner planets] are able to tell their story in a more efficient way.It's like reading a whole book versus just a couple pages in themiddle.
If you put Pluto [soul] in context with the future [North Node] and past Karma [South Node] being worked on in this lifetime one is able to get a deeper grasp of WHY [ 8th house / Scorpio] someone may have their Sun in the Fifth house. It can also give you a story of WHY someone may have four planets conjunct their South Node. Not justwhere is someone's planets but WHY they are there, what pastexperiences led them to this point and what roads they may betraveling from here on out.
A person with four planets conjunct their North Node will be trying toforcibly break away from past conditioning or life experiences. Aperson with planets square their Nodal Axis will be trying to recover"skipped steps" or things they tried to not deal with in previouslives. Pluto conjunct the Moon will signify someone wanting to feelthe most intensity and depth of emotions. The reason for all of these is to evolve and that's what the focus of EA is. How and WHY do weevolve and make the choices we do.
Planets are at a certain point in an individuals current birth chart tofacilitate Evolutionary growth and to further encompass the totalityof existence. EA has things in common with the other forms of Astrology and borrows much from the other forms Karmic Astrology butwhat I love the most about it is that it explains ..well... itexplains WHY.
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Friday, August 20, 2010
Astrology and trafic patterns
When one first starts getting into Astrology one continually contemplates what all Astrology can be applied to. Everyone I've talked to goes through this thing with Astrology that after you get the basics down you start trying to apply it to all matter of things from everyday errands [which moon sign is the best to go to the grocery store during?] to the the completely bizarre [what was the birthday of the Serial killer? ..or the 1 person who survived the plane crash?]. Anyways, one travels through many strange scenarios seeing where you can save a minute here or there or make something go smoother using Astrology. Sometimes things pop right out at you that work and sometimes you just end up flustered that you haven't figured out the correct pattern to apply.
So according to many studies, most people spend days and days of their lives sitting in their cars or stuck in traffic. So I figured that since you normally have a lot of free time while waiting for the other cars to move [at least we did, before texting] I figured I would make some mental notes and see what I could come up with as far correlations between Astrology [mostly Moon signs] and traffic patterns. I've found this in my experience to be pretty spot on most of the time [certainly more accurate than Weather reports]. So here's my Astrology traffic report by sign. But first a brief disclaimer ..any kind of massive event [a Pluto station, Grand Square involving Uranus, Mars making a station or any unusual chaotic event] is of course going to overrule whatever sign the moon is in. If there's an earthquake ... then EVERYONE'S sitting in the traffic regardless of what sign the damn Moon is in.
Aries - everyone is impatient and hot headed , keep an extra eye open. Traffic should move quickly but keep an eye on the lead foots.
Taurus - Taurus is a fixed sign, slow, stubborn and plodding. Don't expect to be getting anywhere early today ..if you're not feeling too lazy to even get out of bed.
Gemini - Lightning quick, mentally alert, muteable. Getting around town to do errands should be a breeze on these days, the master of communication is good at quick trips thinking on their feet, you should be a couple minutes early these days .
Cancer - You may be more likely to stay at home, but everyone on the road should be defensive and safety minded so you may not make record speed but at least there shouldn't be as many accidents to slow you down.
Leo - everyone will be wanting to show off their excellent driving skills [snicker]!! So give everyone their room and be careful because Leo is a fixed sign and fixed can often mean traffic jams.
Virgo - Ultra clear thinking Virgo can not normally be held back by mortal things like traffic with it's Merucurian rulership and Muteable nature, but alas remember, Virgo is also the sign of crisis or something needing to be fixed. So most of these days you'll get there very efficiently but once in a while expect some issues that need quick fixes to arrive at your destination on time.
Libra - Libra loves people, and company and you will probably have plenty of it. You will move in harmony with others and traffic will flow together.
Scorpio - Scorpio is fixed, intense energy so expect delays. You may run into quagmires.
Sagittarius - People will most likely be speeding and a bit daring and overly optimistic.
Capricorn - Capricorn is ruled by Saturn [the planet , not the car] and Saturn teaches us patience ..there you go. Watch out for extra police.
Aquarius - Aquarius is about shock and surprises and unexpected events. You will either be very early, very late or have to change your route. Just expect something different or to have to change your route perhaps.
Pisces - Pisces is fuzzy and dreamy and everyone will be in la-la land. Wacth out for other drivers on the road as they may be daydreaming and not paying attention to the road.
That's your Astrological traffic report, drive safely..and stop texting so much for god's sake!
So according to many studies, most people spend days and days of their lives sitting in their cars or stuck in traffic. So I figured that since you normally have a lot of free time while waiting for the other cars to move [at least we did, before texting] I figured I would make some mental notes and see what I could come up with as far correlations between Astrology [mostly Moon signs] and traffic patterns. I've found this in my experience to be pretty spot on most of the time [certainly more accurate than Weather reports]. So here's my Astrology traffic report by sign. But first a brief disclaimer ..any kind of massive event [a Pluto station, Grand Square involving Uranus, Mars making a station or any unusual chaotic event] is of course going to overrule whatever sign the moon is in. If there's an earthquake ... then EVERYONE'S sitting in the traffic regardless of what sign the damn Moon is in.
Aries - everyone is impatient and hot headed , keep an extra eye open. Traffic should move quickly but keep an eye on the lead foots.
Taurus - Taurus is a fixed sign, slow, stubborn and plodding. Don't expect to be getting anywhere early today ..if you're not feeling too lazy to even get out of bed.
Gemini - Lightning quick, mentally alert, muteable. Getting around town to do errands should be a breeze on these days, the master of communication is good at quick trips thinking on their feet, you should be a couple minutes early these days .
Cancer - You may be more likely to stay at home, but everyone on the road should be defensive and safety minded so you may not make record speed but at least there shouldn't be as many accidents to slow you down.
Leo - everyone will be wanting to show off their excellent driving skills [snicker]!! So give everyone their room and be careful because Leo is a fixed sign and fixed can often mean traffic jams.
Virgo - Ultra clear thinking Virgo can not normally be held back by mortal things like traffic with it's Merucurian rulership and Muteable nature, but alas remember, Virgo is also the sign of crisis or something needing to be fixed. So most of these days you'll get there very efficiently but once in a while expect some issues that need quick fixes to arrive at your destination on time.
Libra - Libra loves people, and company and you will probably have plenty of it. You will move in harmony with others and traffic will flow together.
Scorpio - Scorpio is fixed, intense energy so expect delays. You may run into quagmires.
Sagittarius - People will most likely be speeding and a bit daring and overly optimistic.
Capricorn - Capricorn is ruled by Saturn [the planet , not the car] and Saturn teaches us patience ..there you go. Watch out for extra police.
Aquarius - Aquarius is about shock and surprises and unexpected events. You will either be very early, very late or have to change your route. Just expect something different or to have to change your route perhaps.
Pisces - Pisces is fuzzy and dreamy and everyone will be in la-la land. Wacth out for other drivers on the road as they may be daydreaming and not paying attention to the road.
That's your Astrological traffic report, drive safely..and stop texting so much for god's sake!
Monday, August 16, 2010
Void of course
Many people buy the daily Astrology guides or yearly Astrology calendars that are available out there and some are very good . One of the things that comes up frequently is the void of course moon, what it means and how to deal with it. First of all a brief explanation is probably needed for anyone not familiar with the term or needing clarification. The moon takes roughly 2 1/2 days to go through a sign of the zodiac or 1 degree every 2 hours, if you will. The moon will normally make several aspects to other planets during it's 60 hour stay in a sign. From the time the Moon makes it's last EXACT aspect to another planet, until the time the Moon enters the next sign of the Zodiac, is a "dead" period called "void of course" where the effects of the Moon are lessened and there's a feeling of little or no emotion. There are, however, the few occasions where the moon will have an exact aspect in the late degrees of a sign and there will be a very short or no void period before it moves into the next sign.
This has historically been seen as a poor time to do anything such as sign contracts, open a business, get married, etc. - anything that you would want an energy behind or an extra push to get started. On the flip side, this could also be seen as a good time to do things that you don't want to come to fruition - signing a contract that you're not thrilled about, visiting the in-laws, dentist or doctor appointments where you maybe don't want to be at the maximum of your "feeling" potential if you will, or maybe even applying for a job that you don't really want. If it's something you feel forced into doing or is mandatory you may want to "sabotage" things a bit to make sure you have to go through them as infrequently as possible.
Aside from WHAT the void of course Moon is, perhaps a more interesting point is WHY is it and what is it's purpose? Essentially the void of course moon is to give us a little respite from the emotional intensity of everyday life. Sometimes we just need an emotional break - kind of like when you do a hard reboot of your computer by pulling the plug out. You can then process things that have been building up or overwhelming you, or just allow your body and mind to actually relax and just exist for a few minutes. Now of course the void of course moon period can be difficult when there are things that Have to be done such as an important meeting at work or someone else has scheduled a social event or something where you have to psyche yourself up to be at your best or most alert. At this time you may need the extra cup of Java or Kava or red Bull, whichever your best coach is, to get you motivated. But barring emergencies the voc periods are to let us detox from our normal emotional selves and get ready for the energies of the next sign.
This whole thing does however bring one other question to mind. If the moon goes void every few days then there must be people who are boon with a void of course moon in their birth chart. This is certainly true. At this point I would believe that this in a birth chart would be representative of a soul who has had many intensely emotional incarnations previous to this one and needs a time out from the emotional turbulence to work on other areas of their evolution. Sometimes the soul of an individual will need to narrow it's evolutionary intent in a particular lifetime to a focus on a few core objectives and not be thrown off balance by emotional turbulence.
This has historically been seen as a poor time to do anything such as sign contracts, open a business, get married, etc. - anything that you would want an energy behind or an extra push to get started. On the flip side, this could also be seen as a good time to do things that you don't want to come to fruition - signing a contract that you're not thrilled about, visiting the in-laws, dentist or doctor appointments where you maybe don't want to be at the maximum of your "feeling" potential if you will, or maybe even applying for a job that you don't really want. If it's something you feel forced into doing or is mandatory you may want to "sabotage" things a bit to make sure you have to go through them as infrequently as possible.
Aside from WHAT the void of course Moon is, perhaps a more interesting point is WHY is it and what is it's purpose? Essentially the void of course moon is to give us a little respite from the emotional intensity of everyday life. Sometimes we just need an emotional break - kind of like when you do a hard reboot of your computer by pulling the plug out. You can then process things that have been building up or overwhelming you, or just allow your body and mind to actually relax and just exist for a few minutes. Now of course the void of course moon period can be difficult when there are things that Have to be done such as an important meeting at work or someone else has scheduled a social event or something where you have to psyche yourself up to be at your best or most alert. At this time you may need the extra cup of Java or Kava or red Bull, whichever your best coach is, to get you motivated. But barring emergencies the voc periods are to let us detox from our normal emotional selves and get ready for the energies of the next sign.
This whole thing does however bring one other question to mind. If the moon goes void every few days then there must be people who are boon with a void of course moon in their birth chart. This is certainly true. At this point I would believe that this in a birth chart would be representative of a soul who has had many intensely emotional incarnations previous to this one and needs a time out from the emotional turbulence to work on other areas of their evolution. Sometimes the soul of an individual will need to narrow it's evolutionary intent in a particular lifetime to a focus on a few core objectives and not be thrown off balance by emotional turbulence.
Thursday, August 5, 2010
With the Cardinal Grand Cross that we are experiencing this summer there are lots of oddities and quirkiness happening . One of the reasons for this is the fact that this galactic alignment is mostly comprised of Cardinal signs [ initiators] and that some of the most restless [Uranus / Mars/Jupiter ] , energetic [ Mars] , chaotic [ Uranus/mars/ Pluto] and transformational [Uranus/Pluto] planets are lending their energies to the fray. So we are seeing starts and stops and chaotic transformations and beginnings which may take some time to smooth themselves out or figure out WHAT change they want or exactly WHY they want other than just the fact that they are angry.
As of the end of July through the early part of August Mars and Saturn will be joined in late Virgo and early Libra. This is an uneasy pair as Mars is impulsive and raw while Saturn is disciplined and reserved . Mars is also in it's opposite sign which serves as an irritant , so we now have the ANGRY child being told to slow down and think and be calm. For people with children out there does that normally end up ?
Another thing we are dealing with is the fact that many of the planets go retrograde during this cycle so their focus and energy turns inward or reflective. What this means to us is that we end up with lurches of movement forward spreading chaos , ridding ourselves of past baggage or Karma and blazing new trails . Only sometimes we don't know where we end up after this transformation. We know we are in a different place or a different relationship or different job, but , is it better or just different. That is part of the purpose of planets going REtrograde ,we get to REdo or REdiscover things. Sometimes it takes monumental effort to make change , so much so that we overshoot the target or overcompensate to the opposite side. As a planet goes retrograde we then get to go back over those steps and REtrace our steps and make sure that we choose the correct new path or that we have the chance to make corrections or change completely around again.
As the planet Mercury[ mental processes ] goes into Virgo on July 27th this gives us a good chance to analyze our previous decisions and see what additional changes need to be made. When Mercury goes Retrograde August 19th we will then REtrace those steps and REvisit the area's we made adjustments in to make the next wave of changes and then moved forward with our plans when Mercury goes direct September 11th.
As of the end of July through the early part of August Mars and Saturn will be joined in late Virgo and early Libra. This is an uneasy pair as Mars is impulsive and raw while Saturn is disciplined and reserved . Mars is also in it's opposite sign which serves as an irritant , so we now have the ANGRY child being told to slow down and think and be calm. For people with children out there does that normally end up ?
Another thing we are dealing with is the fact that many of the planets go retrograde during this cycle so their focus and energy turns inward or reflective. What this means to us is that we end up with lurches of movement forward spreading chaos , ridding ourselves of past baggage or Karma and blazing new trails . Only sometimes we don't know where we end up after this transformation. We know we are in a different place or a different relationship or different job, but , is it better or just different. That is part of the purpose of planets going REtrograde ,we get to REdo or REdiscover things. Sometimes it takes monumental effort to make change , so much so that we overshoot the target or overcompensate to the opposite side. As a planet goes retrograde we then get to go back over those steps and REtrace our steps and make sure that we choose the correct new path or that we have the chance to make corrections or change completely around again.
As the planet Mercury[ mental processes ] goes into Virgo on July 27th this gives us a good chance to analyze our previous decisions and see what additional changes need to be made. When Mercury goes Retrograde August 19th we will then REtrace those steps and REvisit the area's we made adjustments in to make the next wave of changes and then moved forward with our plans when Mercury goes direct September 11th.
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