Thursday, November 4, 2010


One of the things that seems to surprise people the most in Astrology is that aside from the obvious use of casting a Birth chart for a person you can get an accurate Birth chart as well for a corporation, a Business , a marriage, a sports team , anything that you can get an accurate time, date and place of birth. A chart for a business or sports team or an event works the same as a chart for a person , you look at the current transits , see what changes or what energies lie ahead and then do a little research to see how these may play out in the chart of the entity .
Casting a chart for a business entity can cast a great deal of light on how they operate, what their function is and how they relate to the public. WBNS 10TV in Columbus was kind enough to come out to MYSTIC NIRVANA so i thought it would be interesting to take a look at their chart and see how it operates.
Channel 10 began with a test signal on September 15th 1949 and their first program that aired was game 1 of the 1949 World Series with the New York Yankees defeating the Brooklyn Dodgers 1-0. The game was actually played in the afternoon but as live sporting events were rare [ there was not a nationally televised sporting event until 1951 ] and there was not a regularly scheduled World Series night game until 1971 research would seem to indicate that the game was most likely shown on tape delay and shown during prime time as there was not 24 hour a day broadcasting as there is now. I have set this chart up as 7:00 P.M. EST , October 5th 1949 for Columbus,Ohio.
A couple of the most important things you'll want to look at in the chart of a broadcasting company would be the Sun [ personality], Mercury [ communications],Venus [ relationships] and being it is on air 24/7 the 6th house which rules daily activities .
The first thing that pops out going through the houses is Uranus sitting in the third house in the sign of Cancer.Uranus rules technology , the third house is communication , Cancer rules home life . They use technology to communicate to people in their homes.
Mars conjunct Pluto in the 5th in Leo.Mars is very instinctual and independent energy and Pluto is how we evolve. Tv stations must continually eveolve to keep up with the latest trends like HDTV,Surround sound. the newest weather radar and the such to continually keep ahead of the competition.
Saturn in Virgo in the 5th. Saturn rules structure, Virgo is Discernment as well as communication being it is ruled by Mercury. The fifth house is energy and excitement and creativity , all parts of Television . For reference purposes acting is ruled by the 5 th house [ Drama , ego, performing ,creativity] and the 12th house [ illusion , dreams ]. The 5 th house is rules by Leo and the Sun and the 12 th House is ruled by Pisces and Neptune.
Sun, Mercury, Neptune and the South Node in 6th house in Libra. Libra is all about forming relationships , the 6th house is about daily activities and , as we said before , Hollywood , Television and acting are ruled by The Sun and Neptune.
Jupiter in Capricorn in the 10th house in Capricorn. Jupiter in the 10th house is someone seen as a leader . Jupiter rules the masses and good fortune and the 10 th house rules Career and status and Channel 10 is usually at the top of the local News and TV ratings.

Until next time...

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